Foreign Credential Evaluations (by country/region)

Q: How do you spell “ポウナ・ザハリナ・セレドニャ・オスヴィタの課程” (Complete General Secondary Education Course) in Ukrainian, which is one of the “designated courses of not less than 11 years in a foreign country(*)” under the Japanese university entrance qualifications, and what is the Ukrainian name of the qualification obtained upon completion of the course?

A: “ポウナ・ザハリナ・セレドニャ・オスヴィタの課程” (Complete General Secondary Education Course) is spelled as "повна загальна середня освіта" in Ukrainian.

The qualification for completion of the course has two different names in Ukrainian depending on the year in which it was awarded:
- 1992-2018: "Атестат про повну загальну середню освіту"
- 2019 onwards: "Свідоцтво про здобутття повної загальної середньої освіти"

This is listed on p.11 of the European Commission's "Guidelines on fast-track recognition of Ukrainian academic qualifications". It explains that these qualifications, with either name, allow access to higher education in Ukraine.

(*) This refers to “Courses of foreign schools corresponding to upper secondary school designated by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology" as seen in one of the entrance qualifications for universities: “a person who satisfies the requirements such as being deemed to have completed a designated course of not less than 11 years and has completed a course of a school corresponding to an upper secondary school in a foreign country”. Complete General Secondary Education Course of Ukraine was designated on May 13, 2022.
(Reference: item (iii) of the Public Notice of the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture No.153 of 1981)