Self Study Qualifications

Japanese Education System

Q:Can a person in Japan obtain an educational qualification by self-study and without attending a school?

A:Parents are mandated to send their children to schools to provide them general education, which is compulsory in Japan at primary and lower secondary levels. However, there is an examination for students exempt from schooling due to illness and other reasons (i.e. 就学義務猶予免除者等の中学校卒業程度認定試験) in order to recognize admission qualification to upper secondary schools for those who pass it.

Meanwhile, the Upper Secondary School Equivalency Examination (高等学校卒業程度認定試験), formerly known as University Entrance Qualification Examination (大学入学資格検定) assesses academic ability of those who do not complete upper secondary education for various reasons. Those who pass the Examination receive admission qualification for universities and Professional Training Colleges.