Report: NIC-Japan seminar on Academic Career and Degrees in Chinese Higher Education System
The National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan) held an online seminar entitled "Academic Career and Degrees in Chinese Higher Education System - Various Paths to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degrees" on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
As part of its activities to provide information that contributes to the smooth recognition of higher education qualifications for the purpose of improving the international mobility of students and academics, NIC-Japan has been holding the "NIC-Japan Seminar Series" since 2021, in which experts from Japan and overseas discuss various topics related to recognition of foreign qualifications, such as examples of such qualifications and education systems.
This seminar was held as the second seminar on China's education system, following the first seminar on China's education system held in December 2022. The lecture was given by Dr. LI Min, Professor of Research Department, National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE), as in the previous seminar. The seminar was attended by approximately 150 participants, mainly faculty and staff members involved in admissions and international affairs at universities and other institutions.
At the beginning of the event, Professor MORI Rie, the Executive Director of NIC-Japan gave an opening address with expressions of gratitude to great feedback of the last seminar and expectation for this seminar.
In the lecture, Dr. LI mentioned the concept of "signaling function" as a key word and noted that the Chinese society places high value on academic backgrounds. She also mentioned the difference between "academic career" and "degree", and various routes to obtaining degrees. In addition, she gave explanations on the characteristics of general education and vocational education in terms of connection to higher education, as well as "International High School" (where students aim to apply for overseas universities after graduation), which had generated a high level of interest at the previous seminar.
The lecture was followed by Q&A session, which lively interactions done between participants and the lecturer, and the event ended on a high note.
Furthermore, the materials used in this seminar series can be downloaded from the following link.
"Academic Career and Degrees in Chinese Higher Education System - Various Paths to Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral Degrees (October 18, 2023)"(Presentation material) (In Japanese)
The video of this seminar is available on YouTube until the end of May 2024.
In addition, the announcement page during registration period for the seminar can be viewed here.
Lecture Dr. LI Min (Upper-right) and Dr. HOTTA Taiji, the moderator of the seminar (Lower-right)