(Jan 30) NIC-Japan Seminar Series on Thailand's Higher Education System and Higher Education Qualifications


タイアイキャッチeng rev2_1420x639
The Seminar has been finished. Below contents is at the time of registration period.

Since its establishment in September 2019, the National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan) has served as a NIC based on the Tokyo Convention to provide information for the smooth recognition of higher education qualifications, to improve the international mobility of students and researchers.
As part of this effort, we have been holding the "NIC-Japan Seminar Series" started in 2021, in which experts from Japan and overseas discuss various topics related to recognition of foreign qualifications, such as examples of such qualifications and education systems. For the first series in 2023, the seminar on the Thailand's higher education system will be held online on January 30th. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bundit Thipakorn, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs of King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi will provide an overview of Thailand's higher education system and higher education qualifications as well as university admission system. We welcome a wide range of participants, including those who are involved in examining applications from foreign countries at higher education institutions, those who are involved in international affairs, and those who are interested in the foreign education systems.
*Please note that the speaker has been changed due to circumstances.

Registration Form

Thailand's Higher Education System and Higher Education Qualifications

【Speaker】Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bundit Thipakorn
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs,
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
Monday, January 30, 2023 15:00-17:00JST
Assoc. Prof. Bundit Thipakorn略歴_454x607

15:00-15:05 Opening address
15:05-15:45 Online seminar①
15:45-15:55 Q&A session
15:55-16:00 Break time
16:00-16:40 Online seminar②
16:40-16:55 Q&A session
16:55-17:00 Closing remarks

【Venue】Zoom Webinar

【Registration Fee】Free of charge

【Language】English with Japanese simultaneous translation

【Registration Deadline】
Friday, January 27, 2023 17:00JST

【Contact】 National Information Center for Academic Recognition Japan (NIC-Japan)
Email: nicjp@niad.ac.jp