Armenia ratifies the Tokyo Convention on recognition

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On May 1, 2021, Armenia ratified the Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education, known as the Tokyo Convention. As a result, there are now 12 State Parties to the Tokyo Convention.

Armenia has also ratified other regional conventions on the recognition of qualifications concerning higher education including the European and the Asia and the Pacific regional conventions in September 1993, and the Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications concerning Higher Education in the European Region (known as the Lisbon Recognition Convention) in January 2005.

Related News: "Tokyo Convention Enters Into Force in Armenia"
- Armenian NIC's website - ArmEnic (National Information Center for Academic Recognition and Mobility)

In accordance with this news, NIC-Japan has added information on education system of Armenia under the 'foreign education systems' section on this website.
NIC-Japan is very happy to celebrate this news, and encourages more States to join the network.